Monitoring Starter Pack for Craft Breweries

Monitoring Starter Pack for Craft Breweries


Monitoring Starter Pack for Craft Breweries


Investigation campaign to locate essential control points to monitor for the surveillance of microbial contaminations in a brewery’s equipment

Turn Key, one week start-up, no lab required.

 Item Number : NPCB DXM 01

Industries: Brewing Industry


For breweries who want to develop a routine monitoring plan. The campaign focusses on locating process steps and equipment which are critical and/or reveal a weakness/loophole in the hygiene practices.

Application : Monitoring

Objective : Design a routine monitoring progam

Scope : Process, hygiene and maintenance monitoring


  • No need for fancy equipment to do the tests. They're simple and can be done on-site while brewing.
  • The results show how many microorganisms are there, just like in a lab. And we use AI to help count them.
  • We provide mobile and web apps to guide you through using our service and handling the results.

Steps involved

  • First Meeting: We'll have a chat for about an hour to understand your brewery, how you make beer, and your practices. We can speak English or French using Teams or Zoom.
  • Sampling Plan(s)
    • We'll give you a list of places to take the first samples and a schedule for testing that suits your brewery.
    • Based on these first results, we will design risk assesment campaigns to map out a rational monitoring program for your brewery
    • For each iteration, we'll give you a list of places to take samples from and the process conditions for the sampling.
  • Testing Together: You'll do the tests with our help, making sure everything goes smoothly at your brewery.
  • Results Talk: After the tests, we'll have another hour-long talk to look at the lessons learned together and figure out what a satisfying monitoring program means for your brewing.

Timeline (indicative)

  • First discovery meeting: scheduled within the 3 working days after we receive the purchase order
  • Planning and preparation for the first test campaign: about 1 week
  • Period of on-site testing: 3-6 months
  • Result talk meeting: scheduled at your convenience after the last campaign.

The Monitoring Starter Pack comprises of:

  • A risk assesment interview followed by a sampling plan covering the critical equipment typically hard to sanitize
  • 75* easy-to-use stand-alone nomad IoT test kits for liquids and surfaces
  • The nomad Smart Microbiology App for mobile phones and tablets
  • An online account for storage, management, analysis of test results with Trend Analysis Dashboard
  • 6 call hours with one of our experts to design the campaign plan, assist with its execution and a campaign debrief to outline the routine monitoring plan.

(*additional test kits may be necessary and are supplied with 12% discount)

About the Apps