nomad IoT Kits for Total Counts HPC on Surfaces, with UDI - Swabs & Testers, 25 ea
Item Number : NTBK TTC 25
Short Description : 1 Kit containing 25 red nomad Testers and 25 Swabs, with QRCodes & UDI
Target : Total Count of stressed or non-stressed microorganisms
Sample type: Surfaces
For use in combination with nomad mobile Apps.
The nomad Total Count HPC Test Kit is self-contained for easy monitoring of surfaces for presence of aerobic bacteria in food, beverages, catering, health care environments, dental units or cosmetics.
Each device carries a unique QRCode
QR code information:
- Unique Device Identifier, Device model & type
- Link providing access to Expiry Date information when used with the nomad smart microbiology App and a connection is available
Microorganism Appearance :
Bacteria colonies appear glistening and translucent or transparent, circular or irregular in shape, with colours varying from colourless to white, cream yellow or occasionally pigmented. Yeast colonies appear satiny, opaque, white. Mold colonies often appear filamentous whitish grey, with fuzzy edges. They usually turn into a different color, from the center outwards
Microbial Risk Management:
- Hygiene monitoring
- Environmental monitoring
- Water monitoring
- Process Monitoring
- Medical center
- Dental Units
- Public inspection
Incubation Conditions:
- Non stressed microorganisms : room temperature to 35 °C for 48-72 hrs
- Stressed microorganisms : room temperature for 7 days
QC Organisms:
Escherichia coli and Pseudomonas aeruginosa (Recovery ≥ 80 %)
User Guides:
- Short: printed on box, available in nomad Apps
- Extended:
nomad Testers: www.pinqkerton.com/pages/nomad-information
nomad Apps: biomire.solutions
Storage Temperature: Room temperature or below
Shelf Life (from manufacturing date) : 12 months
Filter Material: Mixed Cellulose Esters
Filter Type: 0,45 µm - Black - Gridded
Device Material:
- Paddle: Polyethylene
- Chamber: SAN
- Paddle : TPE (Elastomer)
- Chamber : SAN
- Cap : Polyethylene
- Swab : Polyester/Dacron
Material Data Safety Sheet (MSDS) :
This product is a mixture which is not a hazardous according to Regulation (EC) No. 1272/2008
Package Description: 1 box of 25 Testers
Package Content:
1 box of individually wrapped 25 Testers + 1 box of 25 individually wrapped Swabs
Package Dimensions (H x W x D):
- 2 x (90 x 185 x 108 mm)
- 2 x (3 1/2 x 7 1/4 x 4 1/4 inch)
Package Weight :
- 1415 gr.
- 50 oz.
Label Information:
- Item Number (Text and Bar Code)
- Description
- Q/Pk
- Lot # (Text and Bar Code)
- Expiry Date